How to Attract Birds to a Birdhouse – 7 Simple & Crucial Techniques
Is Your Heart for the Birds?
Do you love hearing birds singing their melodious heads off early in the mornings? Perhaps you catch yourself stopping mid-stride, entranced by a bird perched on your front porch rail or a nearby tree. The moment is timeless, yet altogether a blink of your eye, and the bird flies away.
Are you wishful for more opportunities to birdwatch?
Have the momentary observations of these captivating creatures cultivated a desire for more eye-pleasing connection? Perhaps you notice the lack of trees (especially old ones) in your neighborhood and recognize the need for bird conservation.

How to Attract Birds to a Birdhouse? Your Birdhouse & YOU are the Solution.
If so, you have arrived at the right place. You already figured out that birdhouses are part of the solution, just do not forget your passion and compassion as well!
Now the secret of how to invite these charming singers to nest inside your birdhouse sits right below! Keep reading to discover which birds you wish to host and 7 surefire techniques to attract birds to your birdhouse, the right hole size, and more! Dive in and learn important steps on How to Attract Birds to a Birdhouse!
Which Bird(s) Do You Wish to Host?
Just because you set a birdhouse in your backyard does not guarantee that all birds will flock to “sign the lease” 😊 Of course, a good number of bird species will show interest, however, robins for example, show no interest in snazzy birdhouses.
Prevent disappoint in your feathery guests by familiarizing yourself with the following birdhouse friendly birds!
- Chickadees
- Purple Martins
- Bluebirds
- Titmice
- Finches
- Sparrows
- Flycatchers
- Warblers
- Swifts
- Swallows
- Thrushes
- Woodpeckers
- Nuthatches
- Creepers
- Wrens
For more detailed kinds in each birdhouse friendly species check out Birds that Use Birdhouses.

The More the Merrier??? (Yes! Birds AND Birdhouses)

You may feel committed to one bird species or perhaps even one birdhouse. Before you tie the knot with one and only one birdhouse, consider the following advice.
Birds on a cozy nesting house hunt are like humans. You most likely are inclined to view two or more houses before choosing the right one for you and your family. The same goes for the birds 😊 If you only put one birdhouse in your backyard, you may not gain any permanent fair-winged residents.
Bottom line, birds are picky!
According to wild bird expert, Richard Cole, you should put at least 2 to 3 birdhouses out for the birds to inspect and to select which fits their “pecky” taste 😉
How to Attract Birds to a Birdhouse? Amazing 7 Surefire Techniques
Now that you have idea of who you will attract with your birdhouse, discover the art of enticing these flighty fowl. The best hosts know what their guests need, become a bird Super Host by cultivating the following 7 Techniques for making their nesting boxes appealing and safe!

1. Rain, Rain Go Away! Supply a Weather Tight Birdhouse
The quality and design of your birdhouse matters. Look for the following requirements in your birdhouse.
- Strong walls and tightly connected base
- Unpainted interior
- A resilient roof with an overhang (to shield and protect from pouring rain)
- Avoid perches (only attracts bothersome birds)
- Four 1/2” holes for ventilation (two on the bottom and two on the top)
2. Choose the Right Time of Year
The best time of the year to set out your darling birdhouse is either the beginning of February or the middle of March. If you live in the south prepare to have your birdhouse ready to go by February. If you live up North plan to have your nesting box ready by mid-March. Do not delay longer or you may miss your chance of effectively introducing and inviting birds to nest.

3. More ways on How to Attract Birds to a Birdhouse? Choose the Right “Door”
The opening to your birdhouse should provide just enough space for the birds to enter yet remain small enough to feel safe and secure.
The ideal size for your birdhouse hole is around 1 3/8 inches to 2 inches and no more than 2 inches.
4. Place the Birdhouse at the Appropriate Height
The ideal height for placing your birdhouse may depend on your targeted specie. For example, chickadees prefer 4 – 8 feet, Bluebirds prefer 5-8 feet, and House Wrens prefer 6-10 feet above ground. However, in general, setting your birdhouse at least 5 feet high should satisfy your pecky guests.

5. Perfectly Position the Birdhouse
The positioning of your birdhouse is critical. Without proper positioning, nesting will be hindered. In fact, if you set your 2 to 3 birdhouses too close together, some birds will refuse to nest due to their territorial instincts. Thoughtfully position your birdhouse as suggested below.
- Position your birdhouses 25 feet apart.
- Position facing north or northeast to avoid direct sun exposure.
- Set your birdhouse under shade if possible.
- When mounting your birdhouse, angle slightly forward to effectively funnel rain off the roof.
6. Set the Birdhouse in the Right Location for Your Targeted Species
“Birds of a feather flock together”.
This saying is so true, and it also applies to your birdhouse. Only certain bird species will flock together at your birdhouse depending upon its location. If you set your birdhouse on a pole in the middle of your yard hoping for chickadees, your feathery guests will most likely be a bit larger.
Here is an idea of what you can expect with the location of your birdhouse.
- Facing open fields – Bluebirds
- A thicket of small trees and shrubs – Chickadees
- A small tree in open space such as a yard – House Wrens
- Near a pond or water supply – Tree Swallows
- High pole in the middle of a yard or open space – Purple Martins

7. Supply the Necessary Bird Commodities & Comforts
Lastly, but certainly not least, prepare your yard with some bird friendly commodities and comforts!
- Set up a pest deterrent bird feeder – It is wise to purchase a birdfeeder that discourages squirrels and other animals. Otherwise, your desired residents may become discouraged and leave their birdhouse.
Check out how this birdfeeder put this squirrel in its place!
- Provide quality bird seed – Good Bird Food goes a long way in coaxing permanent singers to your property. Plus, it offers your birds a healthier and possibly longer life. That is a win for you and the birds!
- Add a small birdbath – A nearby water source is necessary for resident birds. They need water for bathing and for drinking. If you do not have the luxury of a natural water source nearby purchase a small birdbath.
- Keep animals, pets, and humans away – Do your part in creating a safe area for your nesting birds. Make sure your cats stay clear of the birdhouse. If you have snake problem in your area, try to rid your yard of the slithering reptiles before setting up your birdhouse. Cats and snakes pose a great threat to birds. Also, for as long as possible avoid showing your neighbors, your friends, and your family your new birdhouse and its occupants. Birds need space to feel safe. Safety and nesting go hand in hand for birds.
- Cater your landscape to the birds – If you own a bare yard, consider planting shrubs, trees, bushes, and especially evergreens. Birds need safe spots to transition while flying and natural foliage offers them their lifeline to daily privacy and safety. Plus, foster a healthy living environment by avoiding chemicals and all toxic pesticides. Birds do not mind dandelions!
This Advice is Not “For the Birds”!

There you have it, bird-loving folks! 7 surefire techniques to attract birds to your birdhouse. Follow the above suggestions and “as the crow flies” you will have nesting birds sooner than later!
Also check out these interesting videos on tips for attracting birds to your birdhouse and reinforce what you just learned!
Your Patience Will Pay Off – Do Not Give Up!

Patience during the preparation process and beginning stages of nesting will require remarkable determination. However, do not give up! Your patience will pay off!
The nesting process of birds cannot be controlled, even when following the suggested techniques to the tee. However, your patience, your care, and your passion will ultimately win these charming singers to nest in your backyard. Enjoy this powerful bird quote!
“Relationships are like birds. If you hold tightly, they die. If you hold loosely, they fly. But if you hold with care, they remain with you forever.”
Partner with Plowcraft for Your Quality & Darling Birdhouse!

As you well know, a quality and solid Birdhouse is a crucial piece to the puzzle of attracting birds to nest in your yard!
Plowcraft offers you solid, hand-crafted birdhouses built by the skilled craftsmanship of the Amish! The simple, charming, and darling designs will win your heart as well as your future feathery neighbors!
By now you should be knowledgeable on How to Attract Birds to a Birdhouse! Discover your ideal birdhouse right now!
One thing is for sure, your love for birds is truly remarkable! Go for it!
It was really helpful when you said to have good bird seeds. My husband and I recently started working on a garden in our backyard, and we think it will make it better if we are able to attract birds with a birdhouse, and we wanted to know some extra tips. We’ll make sure to keep these tips in mind once we find a birdhouse to get for our backyard.
Thank you Kate, very happy you found it helpful. Best of wishes on attracting birds to the birdhouse!
I noticed that none of the bird houses in the photos have perches. In order to attract birds to the house, should there be a perch. Thank you very much for your reply.
When placing the bird houses should they be throughly cleaned out?